(no subject)

Jun 02, 2003 09:54

Not a bad weekend, if I do say so myself.
...Friday, I didn't get out of work on time (go figure), and then to add to that, I had to drive way out of my way to hit a FedEx place with a later drop-off time, but once I got up to Boulder and met my family, it was fun. After dinner, Terry and I went to his brother's house and hung out/fixed computers.

Saturday, we went to dance. April (our teacher) told us that she's 8 weeks pregnant! Yay! We then to Thistle and Shamrock to talk to them about my necklace that they were going to replace for the last 6 months. I got the same response from them as I have been since November...they haven't gotten in a replacement yet, they'll call me when they do. Honestly, with today's technology, is it THAT hard to get a necklace? I love that place, but sheesh are they difficult when it comes to exchanges/returns! I bought a beginners book for the Bodhrain, though, so I'm going to start learning basic rhythms, as I'm sick of our drummer playing the bodhrain as a conga. After that, Terry and I headed to Cheyenne for rehearsal. We have a new bassist, Brenda (another girl! Yay!), as Terry wants to play guitar more. She caught on quick and I think it'll be a good change. I'm a little nervous about having a new member this close to a huge gig date, but we'll see...

Sunday was a huge day to get car stuff done. I changed my oil/oil filter, wiper blades, and added power steering fluid. I also detailed and washed my car, so it's all clean and runs better now. About the only thing left to do is take it somewhere to get an alignment and tire rotation, as both front tires are getting a little bald. I also heard from a long lost friend, Jon!!! He was my best friend in UNC and I had lost touch with him about a year ago when he went to Bass school in Hollywood. He's doing well and even has a production company that's managing a nightclub down there. It was really great hearing from him.

Last night, I started house-sitting Wally's parents' house. Calvin (their Newfoundland/Australian Shepherd) was happy to see me. He's an awesome dog. I might bring him over to my parents' house to play with Jamala tonight, depending on what time I get out of work. I kept having nightmares last night, though...had one that I couldn't shake myself out of, no matter how many times I woke up, about a HUGE amount of tornadoes ripping through Denver. The biggest thing I couldn't understand was people were taking refuge in Coors Field and just sitting there calmly. Usually, I would be running in there, screaming that they weren't safe, but this time, I just ran by, thinking "hmm...their loss." I don't know what this all meant, along with the other nightmares last night, but methinks part of it was sleeping in an unfamiliar bed, in a large and very empty house.

So today, I'm going to have lunch with moonsend and then hopefully, I'll be able to get off early, as there shouldn't really be much going out tonight, due to the fact that they're shooting the 2nd half of the season in NY this week and they have everything they need. We'll hope at least...

dance, work, wally

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