(no subject)

Mar 07, 2004 12:14

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ironlemur!!!! Sorry it's a day late. You'd think with it being a day before mine, I would remember better... I'm a schmuck.

Gig went OK. Actually it went well, from the band's standpoint, but the bar was dead the entire night. A lot of it was the legislators and lobbiests had all left the day before and the only big thing going on in the hotel was a huge AA convention. I saw that on the marquis before we went on and knew we weren't going to see a huge crowd. Something about recovering alcoholics going into a bar...yeah, that wasn't going to happen. Ah well.

Funny part of the show was towards the end (thankfully), all the guys in the band did their best Marilyn Monroe impersonations and sang Happy Birthday to me. It was cute...in a very disturbing sort of way. ;) I was hoping that I'd get away with not being sung to, as I'm the one in the band who sings the "Happy Birthday Song" (Arrogant Worms version) when there's a birthday, and since the rest of the group didn't know the words.... Notsomuch, apparently. He he!

I bitched about singing to the women's auxillary group yesterday in my LJ. It wasn't bad, per se. Just awkward, as these were songs that I knew, but haven't touched with a 10-foot pole in ages. It would have been as if someone asked me to come sing "You Are My Sunshine" or "Itsy-bitsy Spider" for a group. Just awkward. But the ladies were nice and gave Terry and I (because I was too chicken to do it alone) flashy shamrock pins (gooooo schwag!). A couple of the "younger" ones in the group even made it to the gig for a few hours, which was very nice!

Ugh. Load-out. Going now.

birthdays, band, music

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