Oct 13, 2006 00:58
Hello everyone. Yea, yea....it has been a long time since i updated. I am only here on account of one friend, you know who you are, but I am finally getting my tail in gear.
Nothing much has been happening. I have run into a few emotional bumps, but i am over them and back on track. Well, it is my week off. I am having an absolutely awesome time. I have been spending some real time with friends just hanging out and doing the crazy random things that we do.
Along with hanging and having fun, I have been working hard. No extra hours though. I wanted to enjoy my time. The other JD has been in Florida all week and will finally get back tomorrow, so I wont have to work my shift primarily alone. Anyway, the subject of work has become a frequent topic among my crew. One friend of mine is looking for a job, before her small nest egg runs out. I am sure if you would keep and ear out for any opportunities, I am sure she would be greatful. Jaya had a fight with her boss. Her boss was a real jerk to not only to her, but to Haley as well. I think all employers need to learn a key cocept of respect. I for one, do not like being talked down too. It would also help if my boss didnt think he was near perfect. I lie to you not; those words came directly from his mouth. Well, I know that we all have problems with work and stress, but let us all be a little bit more passive and optimistic.
Anyhoo....I think that school is going well. For the most part, i am assured A's. Well, you guys might be able to guess which subject is giving me so much trouble. Of course, it is Trig. Sometime it just confounds me and I just dont know what to do. I really hope that it turns out well. I will only know once report cards come around. I dont even know when that is, so I will fill ya in later when the question is answered
Aww...as the show Grey's Anatomy reminds me. Love is a many splendid thing and it also it what makes and breaks us...but a wise woman once said, "We are who we are reguardless of who we are with." Thank you doctor Baley...such a truely wise woman you are. Within that simple cotextual dialogue it made me realize something. I am will always be me. I am not defined by who I have or dont have. I dont need anyone to make me fell special or needed. I have great friends to help me get through this trial called life. They are all I need to truely worry about.
Well, I enjoyed writing this. Somehow, it gives me a sense of resolve and an overall sense of euphoria. I hope this someohow, through a misguided fate, has spoken to you some how. The best luck to all of you. So, I bid all of you a good night.
meridith finally made the right decision