Jul 22, 2006 23:27
Hello, Hello....thought I be dead have you? Well, guess again I am in fact alive and doing awesome. It has indeed been many many moons since my last update, and I make no promises to repost any time soon.
Anyhow....nothing too much has happened to me. I have gone on many a trip. All of which are a mission trip, a trip to the Keys, and most recently a trip camping and tubing. All of which were awesome in their own ways and I will tell you all about them later, just ask and I shall tell. Anyway, many events have happened since the start of the summer and more importantly more events with friends have occured.
Well, many things have happened over the summer. Kim and Rucker got together....weird huh? Who would have thought. Anyway, alot of drama has been going on mostly due to Rucker, but I could go on forever if given the time. Anyhoo...a crush has come and gone like the crashing of a mighty wave. Well, long story short....I liked her, but she liked someone else. Oh, well....life just sucks like that sometimes, then ya move on.
Anyway...I just got back from an awesome play at TOSAC. It was about this two old bitties and how they kill "gentlemen" and also about the rest of their family with similar afflictions and a peculiar nephew who believes he is Teddy Roosevelt. How odd...Oh, it was very good and seeing my friends was great too. I met up with Meghan and we had a great time dinning at Hong Yip. I also saw Jessi, who was helping backstage, and Paul, who was working lights. It was really cool. Oh, yea....Kim was there too, but she had just gotten there once the show was getting done.
Well, I guess that is all for now. Later folks!!!