Jul 05, 2005 18:44
Life is what you make it
It can be that pefect kiss on the lips
Or it can be the much awaited death
Either way it goes, it's your life!
On pittiful days, such as this, it's only reasonable i think
Or it's only reasonable that i believe
that i believe in something more than life
Something more than death...
If this is how i am suppose to be when i'm free of time
Where does life cut in?
Do i ever start living more than i have before?
Or can i just slip away with a single last breath?
No, it must not be that way
I must live with no pretence
I must live with love
I must live as myself
So here i am standing in front of you
Miming some other random person
Hiding myself away from the outside
Tucked away in the evil pocket of my heart
I scream for help
I try to claw my way out
I only make it worse
My heart dies with every blood drop that inevitably falls from my wrists
But i cover it up with my false hopes
False hopes of living a better life
A better life that i shall never have
I Shall Never Have My Life!