I had all these glorious excerpts from my hand-written journal that I was planning on re-writing here. They were about the glories of Island snow. The problem is, all of the fantastic attributes that I was boasting about, all of the perfection (as I see it) in our rare, solid precipitation... Let's just say that I have been proved a liar. There has been nothing more special in this freak snowfall that there would be in a west-of-the-mountains snowfall.
Typically, Island snow is ideal for snowballs and snowmen. It never falls before December, and even when it dumps a few inches, it's gone within a day and a half. Typically. There was nothing typically Island about this snowfall, except for the reaction of island drivers and island snow removal services. Yes, most of the island shut down. Yes, shut down for less than 2 feet of snow, in some places. But the snow was dry and cold, crap for snowballs. It has also stuck around.
No, it's not pretty and it's not a lot but it's still here.
So, I will not praise the heaven sent snow. But I will say, "We got a snow day, nee-ner-nee-ner-nee-ner!"