Holy moly! Life has been full, lately.
I wasn't going to put this on here, to begin with, but I think I can handle it. See, I took this 'personality test', and I hate using that term. We're in the stupid-online-test era, and I don't want to lump this in with that other junk, nor do I want you to, either. That would be an injustice.
This icon links to the site where I found a sample test.
free enneagram test
I am so completely
Type 4 It's a big undertaking, this thing called Enneagram. Heavy and honest. Look into it, if you want. Check out my 'personality type', also if you want. It is a frighteningly accurate description of me, from truly healthy to completely unhealthy.
It's scary to put this up here, as it is so honest. Some of you know me IRL, and that's a tonne more honesty than I like, most times. Comment or not, I'll not be bothered. If you have input, cool. The same if you don't. I didn't put this here to gain approval of who I am. I just wanted to open a door for you to look through for yourself, if you so choose.