^Heh heh heh^

Jul 17, 2005 20:34

I think I may be having a mid-teen crisis of some sort! I did get my hair cut today, nothing too drastic. A bit shorter (five inches or so) and layered. With the dark colour I love it but my colour's going even darker soon. I really like the new cut, and would like it more if it weren't so damn humid so my hair goes flat. Generally my hair isn't this flat but... Grr. I also scooped my fish up and let them go in the Tualatin today. I was watching them and they looked so caged and miserable (Jasmin moment maybe?) so I let 'em go. They seemed very content as they swam around and finally took off farther off shore. I wasn't completely mean, I let them go in this little bay where the water's shallow so they have cover until they want to venture out farther. Not sure exactly what came over me there... I've only been sleepin' with my stolen blanket (it's Dan's, really, but I liked it more) and while it's freezing at night I don't attempt to cover up any more. It's not that I feel unhappy either - I didn't let my fish go because I could relate to them - I don't feel caged. I'm perfectly content actually. A little DISTURBED, sure. But then again who wouldn't be when so called "Friends" are only "friends" because they like yer boyfriend? It's retarded... So I've got three REAL friends I've found out... Rikki, Chelsea, and Lauren... One's gone until school and the other's hardly home. So hi Chelsea!!!! Heh... I guess that's the only thing I'm bitchy about right now. Jason and Jeff and all them? Bullshit they're friends. I never expected Nicole to be my friend (how stupid do y'all think I am anyway?) so there's no surprise there. Lord, I'm happy to have this break from her. If I had everything my way it'd be those three listed above with Zack and Dan and Doug to bum with. That would be awesome... Too bad Zack doesn't get along with anybody and Doug and Rikki are gone all the time. Wow I'm in a weird ass mood... *shrug*

I was hoping maybe I could buy some mice for my tank since it's empty now... I dunno. Parents probably wouldn't let me. "They're too stinky!!! Blah blah blah..." Heard that shit before... What's it matter if it's MY room that's stinky? No one comes in my room but me and I can't even smell. So what the...

I'm downloading a shit load of stuff for my MP3 player and it's still like 80% free... damn. Didn't realize how friggin big this thing actually was... O.O

Frazzled Puppy
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