Jun 27, 2005 23:57
How come... people tell me it's rude if someone (coughdan) says they love me and I just say ok? And how come when he asks "do you believe me?" and I say 'no' that's even more rude? HOW ON THIS GREAT STINKIN SHIT HOLE OF A PLANET IS THAT RUDE?!?!? I didn't say "No yer a cocksuckin' fag who prefers a nice juice penis to my breasts." I just said 'no'. But then I'm called rude. WHY? I just don't understand, and you know men, they don't have the time (apparently) to sit down and explain why it's rude. It.Just.Is. Now if I wanted my responses to be rude, trust me, I can make 'em rude, but I didn't. In fact, I was quite nice about how I answered. I wasn't sarcastic and I didn't mock him... I was pretty nice. But no. No apparently I wasn't - cuz I was RUDE. WHAT!?!?!?!
Annoyed pup