^Funny joke^

Jun 20, 2005 20:53

When Sam spent the night the other day we were reading from this joke book that my grandpa owns and she read a really, really funny joke that I'll post in here:

There was a teacher with her fourth grade class, and she was teaching all her kids about their senses. One day she brought in a ton of flavors of life savers for all the kids to test blindly. They guess all the flavours correctly, except all the students were stumped on the honey flavored life saver. The teacher finally says "Okay, I'll give you a hint, it's something your parents usually call each other." And one of the boys quickly spat the life saver out and starts shouting "SPIT 'EM OUT YOU GUYS, THEY'RE ASSHOLES!!"

I was laughing so hard when I heard that... Cuz thinking of what sucking on an asshole would look like... Bahahahahahha. So today... I watched Wildfire *yay* That was good, I want to see more... Of course it made me want a horse all the more... I did find that place that I wrote about... I can't wait to check it out... *le sigh* I'm reading Jurassic Park right now and I'm over half way finished. It's really good! Grandpa bought me two more books today - Oh yeah, I'm loaded. And I also spoke with my dad on the phone... Oh, and this is good, wanna know what he said? He feels GUILTY for working so late and not being able to be with Melissa during the day as often. I'm like Oh... OH??? You don't see me ever and you don't feel Guilty... *smack* Guys are so retarded. >:-(

Curious Puppy
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