Jan 11, 2005 14:58
so i like the colors... for now i wasted about 3 hours of my evening last night playing with the shit instead of memorizing my lines for spanish. so me and kevin were going to skip, but then before class i ran into christine and she said she's going to go to the nurse's office and tell them she "slipped and fell" outside and she doesnt feel good. so i didnt get a hold of kevin so i just went to class to represent my group lol. mrs. kleinow, the bitch, told me we'd have to go tomorrow and that we're "obviously going to be graded harder." well she can go fuck herself because i dont care what she says, and i honestly dont care if i do bad on this thing. it's not going to make me fail the class, and last i checked i had a B- in the class, so it shouldnt bring me down to a D and otherwise i dont care.
what the hell happened to our ice day? driving this morning sucked. it was slippery and i dont do well driving the PimP CaR as opposed to Saaabbbllleeeyyy (Sabley). but we managed. got there a good 15 minutes later than usual, but we also stopped to get gas, so it wasnt as bad as it sounds. i was really hoping we'd get to stay home today too. i mean, come on, van buren is like 2 miles from here and they got to stay home. what the hell!?!
still enjoying my days off of work. im not scheduled until thursday, but then i have to work saturday and sunday. so much for my weekend. and the worst thing is, im not even scheduled like in the morning... no, i have to work freakin' 4-close (10pm) on saturday and 12-close (6pm) on sunday. im seriously starting to hate working there because im always given the shittiest times to work. i cant wait until track season gets full swing, or at least a definite conditioning schedule. then no more working la lala lala la!!
well my sexy baby jerald is here so im going to go have some fun with him because no one is home ;) lol
jerald wanted me to have a poll of what we did. he said everyone can use their imagination instead of him making it up, so comment with your own creative answers. who knows, you might be right ;)