I have decided that on my birthday i will be going to the panda. sometime from the 25 of august or onwards. possibly on the 25th!
everyone is invited.and it would be nice if someone achuly came to the party. unlike my last birthday. with people babysitting houses and lack of money, at least ive given round about a months notice.
we will go to the panda, eat till our hearts content. chat, eat more. ( btw im definatly geting my moneys worth so prepare!)
after that possibly go to the pubs and bars, knowing me i might just head home! but hopefully if i get some kind of deal with ym dad i might be able to get some games and that at home.( my mother asks) if anyone is happy to lend me there house to play "video games" then i will apresheate it. now knowing the life of today i dont think anyone is up for that so ill leave it!
anyway hope you can come! Ia' Ia' Hydra