...and so...

Aug 29, 2006 07:33

...it begins...

tests, small papers, and assignments oh my! three weeks into school and the big stuff starts getting closer and closer to being due. stupid journals. argh! i don't mind the tests so much as the damn journals...buggers the lot of em. grrrrrrrrr....

went to an awesome gsa meeting yesterday evening. had a cookout, got to know people, and found out when meetings and things are. so hopefully they will be good. we'll see. had a rather large gathering last night but i don't think as many show up for the normal meetings. but it was nice hanging around other lesbians and gays. a few straight people smattered here and there, but i think mostly it was gay guys. heh. going to play kickball sometime either this week or the next...dunno the exact date but danise is looking forward to that.

still hot as hell down here, i'm hanging on (barely) for fall weather. here's to hopin' *crosses fingers*

take care and take heart,

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