Oct 08, 2007 02:20
so today is the day I have to do my final play project with my group for Drama. We're doing scenes from The Laramie Project, ironically, the play I would've done in High School had time not ran out. I wish we HAD done it...it's a very emotionally powerful play about what hate can do to people, and how it can come from unlikely sources.
In it, I play 4 characters, all of numerous backgrounds and sexual orientations. One of them is the crazy-ass so-called "Reverend" Fred Phelps, leader of the hate group known as the Westboro Baptist Church. Basically he's the guy who hates America for being tolerant of Gay People...and jewish people...and the irish...ok basically let's just say he hates people. Crazy...CRAZY motherfucker, and I won't get into details. But basically I wondered this...if he hates America so much...WHY THE FUCK DOES HE LIVE HERE? Oh right, so he can "protest" at soldiers funerals that they "died because of fags". Uh-huh...right. I wish I had known the time these hatemongers had been around in Massachusetts...woulda hit all of them with my truck.