(no subject)

Jan 08, 2010 21:04

I spent the entire evening catching up to the Naruto manga (I love/hate you, Phil), drinking Woodchuck, and eating crackers with brie and hummus. Not together, though. That'd taste foul. Hmm. *tries it* Okay, maybe a taste only drunkards can appreciate - it's not bad, it's just a waste of brie/hummus.

Anyway. I got a look at the new schedule for work. After our little... conflict three weeks ago, I have seen some improvements. The fact that they ran the rough draft of the schedule by me this time is a clear indication. They've also been giving the new guy, Billy, time to study for the breed tests, and we've been well covered for daycare during my shifts. But, I'm still at $9/hr and not full time, and apparently this new gal who I've never heard of, Crystal, will be getting more hours than me because she's willing to work every weekend sunup to sundown. *sighs* It made me a little morose, to be honest. Thus the Nartuo/beer/brie-fest. I'm generally a happy drunk, so I'm too perky to feel depressed about it right now, but it still sucks some major donkey balls.

Why am I still working there you ask? Well, because I don't want to quit without having another job lined up, and the fish aren't biting right now. I really do like the job. They really do think I'm a good employee. But just because you have a business degree doesn't make you a good manager, and that's the case here. Fledgling business, socially-inept boss (I bet she'd make a good larper), fluffy puppies... Damn I'm gonna miss the puppies.

We've got a foster dog that I call Nanashi, which is Japanese for "No-Name." Nicole dubbed him "No-Name," but I think Nanashi sounds much better, and he responds to it more. He's a Siberian Husky that Danielle found wandering around three days before Christmas. No tag, no registration, nothing, and malnourished to boot. Nobody has responded to ads, flyers, or the report we put in to the Nebraska Humane Society. He's a beautiful dog with black and white fur, a gorgeous mask, and one eye that's blue and one that's brown with a blue spot. Very soulful, maybe two years old.  I have pictures and video on my phone. I wish I could keep him, even though he's got issues with marking and humping, but snipping him will help with that, and he gets along fantastically with people and dogs of all sizes. He needs training and a dominant owner, one that won't let him get away with shit and will exercise him to the bone. He sits and comes for me but no one else, which I find utterly endearing. Alas, I have no house, and I can't guarantee him that I'll be around come August, and he'd probably eat Haasenpfeffer, but I want him so much. If ever there was a real dog, it's him.

Well, back to my boozing, brie-ing, and Nartuo-ing!
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