fried mushrooms..

May 07, 2006 11:52

mushrooms.. i stalk them and skin them.. big chunk of butter and some crushed garlic in them.. then more butter in the pan.. fry the outside for a minute or two.. then flip them and let them go for maybe another minute.. then squash them (so they crack like once.. we're not turning them into pancakes or anything).. another minute or so.. serve up on toast.. its such a fantastic breakfast.

option 2: just slice up the mushies and add loads of butter to the pan with a good big of crushed garlic and some chopped onion.. at the last minute throw on some baby spinach.. serve on toast. this is what im having for my 12pm breaky today!

so all i ever seem to fry mushrooms with is garlic and butter.. any other suggestions for frying mushrooms? (not stuffing and baking - thats anoter day!)

vegetables, mod post, brunch, breakfast, advice, vegetarian, mushrooms

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