Pork cooked in milk

Sep 28, 2008 18:21

A recipe I haven't tried - but my mum said it was awesome. Posting it here so I don't lose it!!

2 Tbn olive or peanut oil and 1 tspn butter
1 kg rolled pork loin roast
Salt and ground pepper to taste
2 1/2 cup whole milk - add more if necessary to cover pork ½ to ¾ way
3 cloves garlic, whole
Few strips of lemon rind
Sprigs of thyme or rosemary or both
½ cup water
Chopped parsley

In a pot (large enough to accomodate your pork loin with room for milk to cover pork at least ½ to ¾ and circulation), melt your butter over medium high heat.
While the butter is melting, sprinkle your pork loin lightly with salt and pepper. Place the loin in the pan and allow to sear brown on all sides.
Immediately lower the heat to medium-low and pour in the milk and add the garlic cloves. Cover, leaving the lid slightly off. Cook for 2 to 21/2 hours.Turn over the pork loin every now and then if milk does not cover whole loin adequately due to pot size.
When done, the meat should be tender, and there should be collections of milk clumps surrounding the pork loin and around side of pot. Remove the loin and allow to set for 10 minutes. Scrap milk clumps in pot into liquid.
Meanwhile, remove the oily fat from the top of the milky liquid left in the pot. Add the water if need more gravy and bring to the boil. Whisk well with a hand blender until sauce is homogenous. You may need to add some cornflour and water mix to this to thicken the gravy. Add chopped parsley and mix.
Slice the pork and top with the sauce.


I made this today and it was unbelievably good. OMG, the sauce was just to die for!!

meat, milk, pork

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