MOD POST: Tagging

May 02, 2006 16:44

Members: Thank you all for making your contributions - I am very excited about this community and I am definitely going to be testing out some of the recipes. I'm going to give the pasta and the Mexibake recipes a run for sure. Not so sure about the mega melt down of chocolate - but HATS OFF anyway for using that much chocolate!!!! I want to comment and get discussion started too - thanks again! BUT, please make sure you TAG your posts - this means that people will be able to later find your posts. If a tag is not available - please make said comment in your entry and a mod will attend to it.

Theme: The theme is FAVOURITE RECIPES - make sure to use the favourite recipes tag and the theme tag. Put 'THEME: FAVOURITE RECIPES' in your title.

Mods: As for tagging, you have the power to edit the tags to a person's entry (on the comment page, hit the 'tag' button) - please do so if a person doesn't tag their post correctly. Also, we'll be looking at broad tags. becstar216 was spot on with guessing that 'flossy pork' is too specific. So to use LJ good/bad - using an example of tom yum soup GOOD = Thai, Soup, Chilli, Seafood, Chicken, Asian and BAD = Tom Yum Soup, cooking with prawns. Eventually, this will mean that you can click on 'soup' and see all the soup recipes, etc.

mod post, tagging

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