A None Too Happy, But Nonetheless Not Miserable, Return

Aug 25, 2008 16:27

Well, I'm back at school again, so expect a resurgence of regular posting motivated primarily by homesickness and a feverish desire to write that tends to be ever-present during the school year.

It's only the first day of classes, so there isn't much to report other than the dry reading of each syllabus and the fact that Dr. Delmaramo is fairly certain he still has a copy of my short story, "Scottstown," so it isn't lost forever! I think that the thing's full of flaws, but everyone else that read it (with the exception of Bobbie) seemed to like it quite a bit, so I'm glad I haven't lost it.

At any rate, for those of you who haven't heard from me all summer, rest assured that I had a great time. I went to some concerts, but for the most part simply relaxed and hung around with my friends. A classic summer, and an excellent one; one of the best I've ever had, in fact.

For those of you who were there for it, I'd inform you that I will be returning tomorrow evening. Bobbie can't make it tomorrow because she has a Tuesday night class, but I'll be leaving after my last class ends at three o'clock. If anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to go normally would like a ride (Beth for example; I know you, Liza, said your weeknights are booked solid), I'd be willing to pick you up on the way, although it'd likely be more practical for you to ask Michelle. At any rate, all of those who will be going should post here with when and where you'd like to meet; otherwise, I'll just catch you down at Liberty Park, where I'd like to start finishing the Notebook; I filled up the rest of the space alloted for Oneliners on Saturday night.

I'm relatively hungry right now, so I'm going to take off for a mediocre Thiel College dinner. Until next time... Ape sex!

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