for tegan and sara fans...

May 30, 2007 16:32

it seems like most fans have read sara's myspace post about the leaking of "the con." i personally was very sad for the girls, though... you could really tell by sara's post that they were upset, even though she was trying hard not to make people feel bad about it or alienate anyone. the statement about bruising easily just about broke my heart though... i can't imagine working on something for forever and being so excited about it, and then have someone ruin the experience for you. i mean, it's like planning a surprise party for forever and then having someone give away the surprise to the person you're having the party for. i mean, SURE, you can still have the party, and SURE they will still be appreciative and SURE it's still the thought that counts... but that's not the point. i mean, sure, true fans are still going to buy the album... but like sara said in her post, that's not really the point... it's not about the record sales.

anyway... it's not like there's much that can be done about the leak, but i felt so bad for the girls that i decided to start a petition for those of us who pledge not to listen to the album until it is officially released, whether we've already downloaded/heard it or not. i thought that if nothing else, it would show them how much we care. (i mean, really, do we want to be responsible for sara bruising? :(

if you like what i've written, please please please sign the petition. here's the link:

also, if you're on board, would you pleeeeeeease promote the petition through lj posts, myspace bulletins, facebook notes, email, etc. etc. etc.??? here's the script to link it up:

Online petition - Tegan & Sara Fans Holding Out for the REAL Con!

i really hope a lot of people will sign this, i would love to give t&s a show of support out of this ordeal. i know that come august it won't be a big deal anymore, but as for now, i don't know, i think it might mean a lot.


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