What a wallow

Feb 20, 2012 18:14

I have spent this weekend in a wallow of the sort I haven't indulged in for an age, but instead of being a hormonal pity party, I passed through that valley and came out the other side into sheer ridiculous enjoyment of Gothic novels, Jane Austen, and men in well-fitted trousers. (This despite working from home today.)

I have watched: )

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seldearslj February 21 2012, 02:07:36 UTC
Oh, I do have a thing for Jeremy Northam's Mr. Knightley. I remember starting to watch The Net (circa mid 90s) and was all "ugh, he can't be a bad guy! he's MR FUCKING KNIGHTLEY!"

The Romola Garai/Jonny Lee Miller Emma is maybe a couple of years old now (which is probably so dated by now), and a miniseries by the Beeb. A bit more subtle than the one with Gwyneth, Northam, and Ewan McGregor (ZOMG McGregor as Frank Churchill - I have a terrible fondness for his elegant-and-charming style). And I prefer Jane Fairfax in this one - a bit more vulnerable, as suits a young lady of too much elegance with her heart a too involved with a man who's too cowardly to stand up for love.

It also has Michael Gambon as Mr. Woodhouse! (ie. Definitely get it.)

I...don't know who's in the more recent version, but they're younger and kind of prettier, I guess.

I didn't know yet another S&S was being made? There's the 2008 miniseries which has Dominic Cooper (young Howard Stark in Captain America, and Sky-the-fiancee in the Mamma Mia movie) as Willoughby, and the (classic) 1995 movie with Emma Thompson.

I admit, I still prefer the Emma Thompson one - Edward Ferrars isn't quite as horrendously spineless in that one, and Alan Rickman as Colonel Brandon!!!!! The exclamation marks say everything that needs to be said about that.

LOL. See, now you've gotten me started on Austen TV/movie interpretations. Doom can only follow. I haven't even watched that many!


wojelah February 21 2012, 02:12:47 UTC
RE: S&S - I didn't know about the 2008 miniseries! Must find!

And yes. Alan. Rickman. The. End.

I am a walking example of that doom. But I can attest that there are worser fates. :D If ever you find yourself back on the East Coast with time to spare, you are invited to a thoroughly decadent evening.


patty1943 February 22 2012, 23:15:22 UTC
When I read Sense & Sensibility as a kid, I could not understand Col. Brandon. Then I saw Alan Rickman...Oh! Now I get it!
The new S&S was like Downton Abbey. No grasp of the period. Can't watch.


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