Well, given that it's probably a picture of the flooding north of Saint Louis, there's a fair chance that the guy has a hopeless hick accent, but may otherwise be perfectly fine. I wonder how many people MSN* has heard from about him... you could always ask! Stranger things have happened.
(*where the picture first appeared, according to what I've heard)
It's so rare to to see a sweet man with cats picture---I know so many guys who seem to go out of their way to be hateful to cats. I guess they think it makes them cool or macho or something. I know one guy who won't touch a cat (for no reason, he's not allergic or phobic or anything) and another who, despite having said that he's lonesome and would enjoy having a cat, won't get one because he's afraid people would think he was gay! Idiots.
Hick accent? You have heard me speak, right???? :)
Comments 4
(*where the picture first appeared, according to what I've heard)
Hick accent? You have heard me speak, right???? :)
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