Jun 17, 2009 15:14
Just got copy of the Final Mix. The Master. That little disk feels ridiculously holy.
And it... sounds good. There still are some annoying mistakes especially by the stupid pianist but this could actually become a very beautiful CD. Now if only we could get all the organising over and done with so we can finally hold the finished, sellable product in our hands. Find a label, or self-produce? We're still not quite sure what'll be the better deal in the end, but we've given ourselves a deadline.
Want. Milllk. Release Concert. Nowwwww.
Random Opera Thing: Don't write Guillaume/Guglielmo Tell off because of its overused, oompah, commercial ouverture. The finale rocks. You wouldn't expect something as beautiful - and slow - from Rossini. At least when you're a Rossini ignorant like me.
Random Diabetic Thing: When confronted with a blunt needle and in no position to get a new one, try drilling movements. And then get a new one, pronto. Duh.
EDIT: And while listening to Balada para mi muerte I actually got emotional. I mean, I've sung the thing myself. Luckily there ain't no recording and if there was, it should go into some poison cabinet. I more or less wrote the arrangement. We had discussions about it and worked through the piece with so much detail it lost its charm a bit at some point. And now I want to smooch a baritone, heck, someone love it again. So, dear readers, wherever you are, have a bite!