It's four a.m., I've got three hours of sleep left and just finished reading Victorien Sardou's La Tosca, the play that spawned the opera. In French. Call me insane.
What, that's all she updated about?? Trust me, I do feel like a git most of the time anyway. At least, this weekend it was a git welcomed, cherished and pampered by her church (that's including a South African gospel-singing minister called Bill). And, er, have a China picture why dontcha:
Rapt thousand-plus audience yay!
And to show off - all the stuff a little sadist needs:
Mario paraît sur le seuil, livide, égaré, effaré, se tenant à montant de la porte. Il a deux taches rouges aux tempes. Floria court a lui, le soutient et l'entraîne jusqu'au siège où il tombe muet et hagard.
Aaawww poor man, so égaré and hagard! Also, slash like whoah:
"J'ai fait erreur sur la personne, voilà tout... Le chevalier n'était pas ici avec la marquise, mais avec son frère."
Just sayin'. At least I learnèd some French tonight.