Ack, I should stop the tedious uploading of luvverly picses, because:
To Do:
*Make up Music for Radio Crime Show, like, nowish. Due to be recorded tomorrow, after all.
*Practise for Wedding, especially with Professional Clarinet having agreed on playing.
*Get Financial Stuff Sorted Out (waaaah, painful).
*Liberate Sleeping Bag from Lost&Found - although it might be the wrong one, cos mine is not green.
*Organise Multiple Concert, Rehearsal, Travel and other Thingummies, i.e. phone calls. Sigh.
*Go to Doc's, get Prescriptions.
*Take a few Last Loving Looks at HBP before Flatmate Takes It Away.
And now, the shiny radio-recording picture show
Some moody sheet music:
Big Artist Me...
All Zer Monsters, on stage, viz a Gazillion Microphones.
Taking a Break Love the look on DB's face:
Tasteful Cello Closeup:EDIT Ack! Double-Bass! Woe is me! I is stupid and deserves being hit with a big piano lid! Thanks,
True love...
Shifty Pianist!
Together with a Blurry Double-Bass. Guess we could be The Shifties.
Shiny stage, innit?
Hope it didn't explode your computers. *whistles innocently*
And that wasn't even a tenth of the whole load.