Okayyy -
tomorrow morning, early, I'm of to zer multiple weddings o'doom. I hope to return in one piece on Sunday, and that somebody let the postman in so I can have a glance at my Potter before celebrating flatmate's birthday and then launching head-on into a week of tango madness with the Monsters(tm). It'll start with all-day rehearsing on Monday followed by half-day rehearsing on Tuesday. Monday is also Doublebass's birthday, and Tuesday is Violin's, so Monday night is pretty much planned out too.
Recordings at the boistrous, glamerous (
or not) NDR will start Wednesday through to Friday
in this room, and after that I may want to shoot myself.
Wish you all a pleasant weekend, and those who'll read, enjoy the Half-Blood Prince.
I like spoilers to a certain degree and would like to see how people get to different (or identical) conclusions. So I'll turn this into a little challenge, or scientific project if you like:
Feel free to comment here with your (changing?) suspicions who he might be as you read, but soon as his identity gets confirmed, don't. Or tell me where you started out and where you are by page 55. Or something. Thus, I won't have to check other LJs and be endangered of more tragic spoilers, but can come here for my personal little dose thereof.