(no subject)

Aug 30, 2013 07:18

A thing I was thinking of (oh no! Run!!):

Men sometimes bitch about how we bitches are always bitchin' about being bitches. And it's like, yeah, I guess I can see why that'd be tiresome.

But then I think back to some of my earliest memories, like hearing about how baby girls in certain countries are killed or abandoned because people want boys instead. Or, closer to home, a block of dick cheese opens fire on women in a university because they have the audacity to be female.

An event like that really sticks with you when you're a nine year old girl and going to school yourself, you know? Obviously, kids today have to hear about people shooting up schools at random which is as sad and scary as fuck, but there's something particularly nightmare-inducing about the possibility of dying specifically because you're a girl/woman.

That's my daily deep thought before I run out and battle with rush hour traffic.
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