The part that sucks ass about trying to educate people calmly is that if you're in a marginalized group people tend to immediately assume you're pissed off when you're not. The further you are from the 'default' able-bodied heterosexual white dood, the more likely you are to get infantilized.
And boy howdy is it fucking irritating being talked to like you're an irrational child or having to deal with wails of BUT WAH Y U SO ANGEEEE UR MEAN AND CRAZY when you're only mildly annoyed and have gone out of your way to be as rational as possible.
This happens to me a whole hell of a lot. I'm not exactly shy about stating my issues, and folks with disabilities are permachildren in the eyes of society's airheadness.
It's worse for my GF, she has to deal with everyone's crappy "OH NOES ANGRY BLACK LADY WAIL SCREAM PANIC" hangups.
Basically it's one gigantic knot of stupid and fail and issues. While profane oneliners aren't great and tumblr tends to be reactionary, people's patience is finite and LJ was the exact same way in its heyday just slightly slower about it (go read Fandom Wank's archives if you don't believe me XD this isn't a new phenomenon, the internet lends itself well to this kind of thing), and it's like...okay so society wants to be allowed to see me as a child and treat me like I'm a child (unless I do something wrong, then suddenly I'm an adult) and talk down to me and backhandedly imply that OHIP covering my meds is a strain on everything and condescendingly explain that I should never "breed" because it pollutes the gene pool and at the same time wants me to be infinitely patient (and still stereotype me as an irrational womanchild) and kind (and still stereotype me as an ungrateful adultbrat) and explain to them over and over and over again the same thing that I explained to them a billionty damn times...and then no matter how patient and rational I was and how much I backed up my argument, they're STILL going to lose their shit and abuse me because I had the temerity to speak up. I'm not SUPPOSED to, you see, I'm supposed to stfu and be grateful and inspiring and not remind people that I'm a person. Think I'm exaggerating? lolnope. It's a constant cacophony of bullshit and ass from all angles and the Zoloft only does so much, yanno? XD People want to demand "adult" reactions from folks who they treat as less-than-human child-things, in essence. It's actually kin of terrifying when you think about it for a long time.
tl;dr I hate to pull the suck-it-up-and-deal dance but seriously. As compared to being told you're less than a person and should die to take the strain off society/are not able to be sexually assaulted because you should be grateful for any attention/should not be allowed to have children ever and then being scolded and abused when you get irritated by such, a little profanity? Is small taters. Real small.
That said, cluebats -are- superior to driveby effbombs.
(Half the effbombs aren't even from us, either, more from hyperreactionary faux-allies who want accolades. Which is a whole 'nother can of worms.)
If people listened when I explained a damn thing at all? That'd be awesome. But they don't. I say 'please stop' and they explode and call me vile shit. You cannot win for losing, seriously. You cannot educate people who are never going to listen to you because you're not a person to them. You cannot get results by rewarding gross behaviour.
Sorry to be a debbie downer. :/ But. Yeah. I've tried the patiently-linking thing, and I continue to, but most of the time I'm still called a nasty little vajayjay because I dared to tell someone to stop treating me as a prop. C'est la vie.
(LOL EDITSTORMMMMMM sorry 'bout this. it is a subject close to my heart. lol CF lol mental issues lol. :D)
I would never say, "Oh, just be nice" to the assbats that make snide comments about your ability to reproduce, your supposed "siphoning" of OHIP, or even people who react negatively to any attempts you make to educate them. I'm referring more to folks like the OP who posted that picture and clearly had no idea what he was doing. Would he have reacted badly? Maybe. If so, fuck him. Would he have learned something if someone had said, "Hey, you know what?" Maybe. We'll never know, either way!
I totes understand where you're coming from, and I don't mean to sound contradictory, but I wasn't suggesting that people with disabilities are obligated to serve and educate the able-bodied. My issues are not nearly as serious as yours, but I'm on meds myself; it's not something I talk about often, for reasons you can probably guess at. But I have changed people's perceptions of mental illness by saying "Actually--" instead of "FUCK YOU, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT," so I figure it's always worth at least one try. That's just me, though; I guess I can't really speak for anyone else.
And boy howdy is it fucking irritating being talked to like you're an irrational child or having to deal with wails of BUT WAH Y U SO ANGEEEE UR MEAN AND CRAZY when you're only mildly annoyed and have gone out of your way to be as rational as possible.
This happens to me a whole hell of a lot. I'm not exactly shy about stating my issues, and folks with disabilities are permachildren in the eyes of society's airheadness.
It's worse for my GF, she has to deal with everyone's crappy "OH NOES ANGRY BLACK LADY WAIL SCREAM PANIC" hangups.
Basically it's one gigantic knot of stupid and fail and issues. While profane oneliners aren't great and tumblr tends to be reactionary, people's patience is finite and LJ was the exact same way in its heyday just slightly slower about it (go read Fandom Wank's archives if you don't believe me XD this isn't a new phenomenon, the internet lends itself well to this kind of thing), and it's like...okay so society wants to be allowed to see me as a child and treat me like I'm a child (unless I do something wrong, then suddenly I'm an adult) and talk down to me and backhandedly imply that OHIP covering my meds is a strain on everything and condescendingly explain that I should never "breed" because it pollutes the gene pool and at the same time wants me to be infinitely patient (and still stereotype me as an irrational womanchild) and kind (and still stereotype me as an ungrateful adultbrat) and explain to them over and over and over again the same thing that I explained to them a billionty damn times...and then no matter how patient and rational I was and how much I backed up my argument, they're STILL going to lose their shit and abuse me because I had the temerity to speak up. I'm not SUPPOSED to, you see, I'm supposed to stfu and be grateful and inspiring and not remind people that I'm a person. Think I'm exaggerating? lolnope. It's a constant cacophony of bullshit and ass from all angles and the Zoloft only does so much, yanno? XD People want to demand "adult" reactions from folks who they treat as less-than-human child-things, in essence. It's actually kin of terrifying when you think about it for a long time.
tl;dr I hate to pull the suck-it-up-and-deal dance but seriously. As compared to being told you're less than a person and should die to take the strain off society/are not able to be sexually assaulted because you should be grateful for any attention/should not be allowed to have children ever and then being scolded and abused when you get irritated by such, a little profanity? Is small taters. Real small.
That said, cluebats -are- superior to driveby effbombs.
(Half the effbombs aren't even from us, either, more from hyperreactionary faux-allies who want accolades. Which is a whole 'nother can of worms.)
If people listened when I explained a damn thing at all? That'd be awesome. But they don't. I say 'please stop' and they explode and call me vile shit. You cannot win for losing, seriously. You cannot educate people who are never going to listen to you because you're not a person to them. You cannot get results by rewarding gross behaviour.
Sorry to be a debbie downer. :/ But. Yeah. I've tried the patiently-linking thing, and I continue to, but most of the time I'm still called a nasty little vajayjay because I dared to tell someone to stop treating me as a prop. C'est la vie.
(LOL EDITSTORMMMMMM sorry 'bout this. it is a subject close to my heart. lol CF lol mental issues lol. :D)
I totes understand where you're coming from, and I don't mean to sound contradictory, but I wasn't suggesting that people with disabilities are obligated to serve and educate the able-bodied. My issues are not nearly as serious as yours, but I'm on meds myself; it's not something I talk about often, for reasons you can probably guess at. But I have changed people's perceptions of mental illness by saying "Actually--" instead of "FUCK YOU, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT," so I figure it's always worth at least one try. That's just me, though; I guess I can't really speak for anyone else.
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