(no subject)

Aug 12, 2005 23:33

1.If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Hmm. I don't really think there is much. Whatever I have to say to someone, I say it to them.

2. If a new medicine were developed that would cure arthritis but cause a fatal reaction in 1 percent of those who took it, would you want it to be released to the public? Probably not. if it was like .01%, then yeah. Maybe 1% would thin down the population a bit. It'll make people miserable, but pain-free :D

3. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want? I think I would want to have a 90 year old body with the mind of a 30 year ld. Because a 30 year old's mind is muuuuuuuuch less susceptible to such mental illnesses as alzheimers.

4. If at birth you could select the profession your child would eventually pursue, would you do so? In all seriousness. No. But it would be pretty rad if they were an astronaut/spy/jedi knight.

5. If you knew there would be a nuclear war in one week, what would do? (you can't stop it): I'd instantly blast myself into space so I could watch it happen. That would be the coolest fireworks show ever.

6. Would you accept twenty years of extraodinary happiness and fulfillment if it meant you had to die at the end of the period? It depends how old I was. If I were like 80. Then totally. Right now, no way. I like living my life! It's once of my favourite past-times.

7. If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and became a paraplegic, would you go through with the marriage or back out of it? Well, if I was engaged, I'm as good as stuck. So I suppose I'll follow-through. Plus, the medicine is advancing fast enough that by the time I get married, and am married to the parapelegic for a few years, they will have a cure for it.

8. Someone very close to you is in pain, paralyzed, and will die in a month. They beg you to give them poison so they that they can die. Would you? What if it was your father? Some men just can't hold their arsenic.

9. Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would want as your dinner guest? as a close friend? as a lover? dinner guest... how about Ted Bundy, since he's pretty much the first clear person to come to mind. Close friend: Jim Morrison would be cool. If he was resurrected. A lover? It would clearly have to be Gwen Stefani. yeah......

10. What is the worst psychological torture you can imagine suffering? (it cannot involve any physical harm to you) going for a walk, and a plane crashed onto my house with my family inside, killing them all slowly and painfully. Not only would I be an instant orphan, but my grandparents next door wouldn't be doing so hot either. I'd have no family close to me anymore. :< tear.

11. You and a person you love deeply are placed in separate rooms with a button next to each of you. You know that you will both be killed unless one of you presses the button before 60 minutes pass; furthermore, the first to press the button will save the other person, but will immediately be killed. So, what you are telling me is that if I push the button, I will die while the other person walks away, knowing that the love of their life has commited suicide for them to live a life of constant sorrow? I think I'll just sit for 60 mins and get us both killed.

12. Would you be willing to go to a slaughter house and kill a cow? Do you eat meat? I luuuuurve meat. But I don't want to go to a slaughterhouse to kill the cow. I like having the dirty work done for me.

13. For $20,000 would you go for 3 months without washing, brushing your teeth, and using deodorant? Assume you could not explain your reasons to anyone, and there would be no long-term effect on your career. (you are not choosing one, you would have to go without all three) I care too much about my personal BO. I get highly offended after missing one day of not showering.

14. Which of these restrictions could you best tolerate: leaving the country permanently or never leaving the state in which you now live? Well, I suppose I could answer this after I go see the world and what I want to see.

15. If you could choose the sex and physical appearance of your soon-to-be-born child, would you do it? I am not ACTUALLY God. I just like claiming it every now and then.

16. Would you be willing to decrease your life expectancy by 5 years if you could become extremely attractive? my life expectancy? In my family thats like 60. So probly not. Stupid heart failures.

17. If your friends and acquaintances were willing to bluntly tell you what they really think of you, would you want them to? Yeah. I do it to them.

18. Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? Nope. Actually, I think I would like being disposed like that. It's not like there is a soul or spirit that will haunt you for chucking my body.

19. Would you like to know the precise date of your death? preferably not.

20. Would you be willing to give up all television for the next 5 years if it would induce for someone to provide for 1,000 starving children in Indonesia? definately. As long as I can still be on television. Cos that would be cool. And I don't have to put up with watching my bad acting.
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