Fensalir Fiber: my new fiber-centric blog!

Sep 12, 2011 14:45

If you enjoy reading about hand spinning, dyeing (both plant and chemical), knitting, and felting--or if you're just obsessed with keeping up with my activities--then have I got a blog for you! The intro post is up, discussing how I got involved with the fiber arts and my primary inspirations (mythology and folklore, of course, in addition to a fasination with the heritage and conservation sheep breeds, and a love for the breathtaking beauty of my home here in Eugene, OR. More to come on my current spinnning and dyeing adventures. Check it all out here: http://fensalirfiber.wordpress.com/

And the Wytch of the North blog is still the place to catch up on all my non-fiber activities, as we embark upon my most active woo season of the year: http//:wytchofthenorth.wordpress.com. Come and see me there if you haven't been around lately!

blogs, spinning, plant dyes, fiber arts, frigga, witchcraft, northern tradition

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