I'm bored!

Oct 07, 2009 19:33

And I have a slight cold so I'm feeling kinda crappy and tired, but it's only 7:30 pm here so I know if I go to sleep now I'll get up at like 4... and I already have insomnia issues...

enter the babbling

so today my school had an earthquake drill and it lasted for an HOUR! (wth?) Basically we had shortened periods through the day so that come third we could squeeze under super small desks (they're the ones with those baskets under the chairs and the chairs are attached to the desk) for a couple minutes before going for a walk, around the elementary school right next to my high school (I'm a senior if you didn't already know) and the walk took like 15 minutes - excuse me, but if there's a real earthquake the running, panic-y kids do not need to be led to a STREET to get away from the building, streets have cars hello, and I would rather be crushed by the building then hit by a car because if I have to be in excruciating pain I would rather get it over with and die quickly then have to suffer through being alive, (and I'm pretty sure I'm more likely to die quickly being crushed by a building then hit by a car), then we went to our football field (because stadiums never collapse) and just sat there for like 40 minutes - at least it wasn't raining

on a good note though, I led my first National Honor Society Meeting today! (I'm the secretary), we do them during lunches and my lunch also has the historian and the vice president, but the vp was nervous and didn't know much about the activites we had planned (I am apparently the type that hoards information... must work on that) and the historian had missed our officers meeting so he didn't know what we were talking about either... so me (the person who gets super nervous, hates talking in front of people and thus talks super duper fast) got to do all the talking! yay! but I survived and will make the other two talk next time (but I'm a bit worried they'll say something wrong or not describe something as I would have and I'll take over anyway... I tend to do that...)

Oh and calculus is evil, except I'm kinda understanding what we're studying right now, but the first few weeks was just serious math fail... nyah

Oh, and I also joined cooking club, although I haven't been to good of a participant, I was sick today so I skipped and last week I left early

Oh and my schnauzer who had a little tumor on her nose, I had that removed ($240) and now she's got a slightly uncute healing wound on her nose (stitches got taken out saturday) I had to make her wear that awful lampshade collar (which I learned is actually called an 'Elizabethan Collar' huh... and now that she's free from that awful torture device she's decided she can get into the cat litter box again.. too many animals. Oh and they had to shave her nose to give her the surgery so now she looks really strange and her fur on top of her nose was grey before, but I think it's going to grow back white :'(

I bought Skip Beat 19 and Gentlemen's Alliance 10 yesterday, so I'm happy♪

I also bought a used Pokemon Pearl for the DS (yes, I am a nerd, deal with it) and I got super happy because it was obviously a copy someone had used action replay on (if you don't know that makes you get like 100 lives or in this case nearly 1000 master balls and 800 rare candies... MU.WA.HA.HA) I'm going to see if I can't borrow my friend's ds tomorrow during (nerd alert!) Japanese Club so I can transfer the items and some pokemon (it had DARKRAI! ~I've missed all the d/p events) and then if she wants I'll give her some masterballs etc... ♪

earthquakes, complaints, calculus, happy, gameboy, school crap, shinshi doumei, life, pokemon, diamond/pearl, skip beat, real world, clubs, nhs, sick

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