First of May

May 01, 2009 20:04

So I have my AP (Honors) tests in a couple weeks, in Language Arts and in Biology, so I'm starting to up the studying for the biology one, I've got this neurotic pile of notecards I'm writing :P But it's kinda nice to keep busy!

And my cable has completely died - I HATE Comcast, they took it all away, now I can't watch my Gilmore Girls (don't you judge me!) and my NCIS ♥ which I had only recently started watching! But fortunately I should get satellite cable within the week, so I'm happy about that
Also my internet went out (it's through the roof so we think squirrels/birds chewed the cord) but my mom had bought this wireless itty bitty plug thing for my laptop and it didn't work with it, but I attached it up to my computer so now I have wireless, I'm a bit far away from the signal so loading and stuff is a bit slow (that and my computer is utter rubbish) but what also sucks is I usually use internet explorer so I'm really used to that and I have all my favorite sites bookmarked, but for some reason I can't get it to work with the wireless so I'm using Safari, why is safari so darn bubbly?!?! it's really annoying, and apparently it has spell check, which is stupid, I like my typos as they are, thank you very much!

anyway, onto my manga update!
I've recently gotten two of my friends completely addicted to Penguin Revolution - a cute gender-bender but Sakura Tsukuba (or something like that) she also did Land Of The Blindfolded, so tomorrow I'm going to go buy the final volume - 7 - because I haven't read it and neither me nor my friends can wait any longer to get it (usually I get books from the library, if you recall I got 1,2 and 4 at Sakuracon though)

I also read the 34th volume of Boys over flowers - almost done! maybe I'll be done with the series by the time shojo beat releases whatever they're releasing in that series. Not sure if I've said this or not, but it's kinda sad to see the end of Boys Over Flowers, because it was one of the first manga I read, and its the only of my beginning manga that I'm still reading (not just rereading)
My first manga was Ceres Celestial Legend (♥ Yuu Watase) and after that I read both Boys over flowers and Hot Gimmick, finished HG but still going with BOF

hm.... I've started reading two series by Hee-Joon Son, Id_entity and Phantasy Degree, they're both okay, but not spectacular

Today in Biology we worked with potato bugs (remember those?!?) and we caught the yesterday, I feel kinda bad though, because like all of mine died, so I used some from another girl in class (fortunately she went overboard with the catching) I'm not even sure why mine died, but my teacher and the girl whose bugs I used were like 'Lori's the bug killer' XD which I am, what's worse is we had them in boxes with a divider, to see if they liked the drier place or the wetter place, and there was tape to hold up the divider, and wouldn't you know it one of my bugs got caught on the tape... poor little guy
oh and somehow I've lost the ability to touch potato bugs, what's with that? I didn't think I'd have a problem with them, they're cute and all, I just couldn't touch them! >_<

Fruits Basket 23 comes out in June, so excited! (I hope they release the second fan book! - the series is certainly popular enough!) And Beast Master in November, so I think I'll get it for an early birthday present (mine's in December, but I know I won't be able to wait to buy it!) I also hate that manga prices seem to have raised, SB was always $8.99 but now it's at $9.99 :( stupid economy

Speaking of the real world - Swine flu, seriously? Nyah, a few schools in my state have closed because of it, and not just closed for a day or two, but for like an entire week! (talk about getting no summer) and it's all anyone is talking about, yesterday my principal came on the loudspeaker before lunch and gave us a speech about good hygiene and how to protect ourselves and to stay healthy... and everyone has like little purells in their pockets... it's insane ~ remember last year when it was all MRSA? this year it's swine flu :( it's really annoying, is anyone else getting sick of it?

I need a new book to read, I tried reading Peony in Love by Lisa See (she also wrote Snow Flower and the Secret Fan) and Peony was good, but it reminded me too much of Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones, which I hated, so I ended up stopping about 2/3 through the book :( it was well written, and the story was okay, I just really hated the main character
oh and I shampooed my carpet with this crap that I'm slightly allergic to, so my eyes are kinda burning and I'm kinda 'duh' ish, so that kinda explains my rambling today

I read Goodnight Mr. Tom a couple months ago and FINALLY got the movie from the library a couple days ago, so I watched it, and it was really, really vague, worse then Twilight in the 'if I hadn't read the book, I would have no idea what just happened' vibe throughout the entire movie - isn't that an annoying feeling?

I've bee practically living off potatoes for the past week; 3 days of mashed potatoes and 2 of bakers ♥ potatoes they're my friends
Oh! and I made a convert of my friend! She hadn't ever tried baked potatoes with sour cream on them (she's from like mars or something) and she tried it last night and.... SHE LIKED IT! woohoo! I knew she would, since she loves sour cream :) pwnage!

I got 42/40 on my Spanish City Vocab test today, which I was happy about, especially because my Spanish teacher doesn't usually give extra credit (I have like 99% in that class - I'm doing AP spanish next year, can't wait!) What funny is one of the questions was like how many players are on the field for each team in soccer, no clue where I got the answer, but somehow I got it right! yay! it was really weird because I'm one of those people that can like tell soccer from football but only by the ball and the uniforms

oh! I put a cd in my disc drive in my computer, and it like spontaneously combusted, it was weird, it wasn't working so I opened the drive and the cd was in little pieces, lol it was so weird, fortunately it wasn't one I cared about but it bugged me a big

made a couple icons today, so maybe I'll put them up soon ~ don't forget to vote in any icontests you're part of!

oh and I bought a little Kyo bookmark and a cute Tohru Riceball phone strap on ebay, ♥ adding to my Fruits Basket Shrine, if I ever get a camera that can like to the comp, and the ability to link it (mentally) I'll post some pictures of the shrine, its a pretty hideous display of furoku, posters, stickers and plushies (made the riceball one myself!) and I even have Kyo's Color! (the exact shade of orange thread! it perfectly matches the color of the Kyo on my wallscroll ~ see anime if you didn't get the reference) I really wanna make a Kagura Kyo-cat backpack, maybe for a summer project, though I have to get a job over the summer too

oh and I have a canker sore which really hurts, and my wisdom teeth are coming in, the bottom ones totally fit (bottom left almost all the way up, bottom right just started) top left is about halfway exposed, and top right is a pain in the ass, it just barely fits so it's bumping the side just a little, it'll be okay I think, but it hurts I think it's in the final stage of coming out

okay, I'm done

manga, cable/internet, boysoverflowers, real world, potatoes, ap, complaints, food, spanish, ebay, may, computers, rambling, lisa see, fruits basket, biology, books, random

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