I had intentions of having this chapter out A LOT sooner. School and life just got in the way as you all have probably guessed. Sorry for the short fast paced chapter. :\ Now on with the show!
Astrid, the idea is to stop the baby from crying - not be the baby. xD
So I don't remember asking Buck to stay the night, but look who did anyway. LOL.
He kept dreaming about the wedding, which is adorable!
We all know the truth about how boring babies really are.
Plus, I believe it would be cuter to have Action as a toddler at the wedding.
Buck: Whooo! Go son!
Astrid: *boob smothers*
Astrid: The next thing you know, he'll find somebody to love, get married and leave me.
Buck: YAY! *claps*
Astrid: I'm not so sure I want this birthday to happen after all.
Aww :( They all grow up sometime.
Action: OH! Sparklys!
I thought this picture was cute to put his traits on. <3
His favorites include: Roots, Grey and good 'ole Peanut Butter and Jelly. His star sign is Aries.
Here's a better look at him. Everyone doubted Buck's ability to make babies, so far so good in my book. <3
The first thing this adventurous toddler does...
Is watch TV.
Oh how I strongly dislike the Couch Potato trait. Ugh.
It honestly amazes me how much these two love each other.
I leave them alone and all they want to do is flirt, hold hands and kiss.
Astrid: OMG! Why would you buy such a toilet!
Astrid: I can't believe this.
She's such a drama queen at times.
With the wedding the next day, I wanted Astrid in the best mood possible, so I sent Buck home.
Buck: You won't be Miss much longer.
Astrid: *dreamy smile*
Action: Anybody out dere?
Action: I hungry.
Action: Hewwo? :< (Maybe mommy didn't hwere me)
Action: I HUNGRY!
Action: (She hwud me!) Up! Up!
Action: Fwood time!
Broke family outing to the cemetery at 2 in the morning. /random
Maybe Buck wanted to say a final goodbye to his EX-wife. Mwahaha. >:D
/Collective yawns teehee.
Action: She expects me to eat dis?
Action: Nom nom nom.
Action: RAWR!
He's only happy for a second then it goes right back to whining lol.
I hope that face doesn't mean she's having a nightmare about marriage.
That's right Astrid, today's the big day!
So much for her mood being perfect. Action was restless all night.
Astrid: Mommy and Daddy are getting married today!
Action is dressed to be just like his daddy!
& Astrid is beautiful as always. <3
After waiting what seems like forever Buck never showed up.
Astrid: :(
So of course Astrid calls him up.
Astrid: Honey? I've been waiting for you to show up to something called our WEDDING! That was today remember?!
Don: Yeah Mom I know, this is why wedding's are so overrated. They never work out.
Don the Stylist - Oh...so you fancy, huh?
Buck: I'm so sorry. I was at the gym and it slipped my mind.
Men! >_<
Aww! Action looks so cute.
The idea of having the wedding at The Gazebo was to have the vows said under the roof of the gazebo, right? Well that didn't happen so I had to setting with having them get married on the outside perimeter. UGH.
Sealed with a kiss. <3
See that bubble over Astrid's head?
Action: I tired!!
Astrid: Hahaha! You changed out of your suit!
Astrid: But I love you anyway.
Fangirls: *sigh*
Since Action was completely restless the wedding had to end earlier than planned.
Buck: Let's go home lil' guy.
Action: Sweep sweep!
Buck: Sleep tight, don't let those bed bugs bite.
Susie: Wow dad this new house is awesome!
Here's what I've decided to do. Since Buck has 2 kids from a previous marriage (Susie who is a child and Trigger who is a teen) I'll only move in Susie since she's "under 18" just for realism. Personally I think it's a good idea, so don't be hatin' xD
Her favorites include Kids, Fruit Parfait and Yellow. Her star sign is Gemini.
As official newly weds they celebrated in the best way they know how.
-- End chapter three --
Next time...
- I'll have Buck's trait picture.
- Another baby?
- Madness.
- & Birthdays.