
Apr 16, 2004 04:21

several thoughts have gone through my mind tonight. yes. it is almost time for the sun to rise. i was wondering about ...

this may be the end of my barista days... after i am let go from the man i think i will try and aim for a job tending to a bar while i love old, sleazy men. i am thinking that the money will could possibly be great and that i could feed my friends free booze. personally, i think a cocktail is more soothing than a cup of coffee.

emilie. spring. my sociology friend. you are long lost... return? also, love the icon? hilarious. i think i would know exactly which way to go. so i am thinking that this summer we are all going to hang out and be goofy... lets plan a trip camping. what do you think?

when is enough enough?

i think i will live on the streets next year (possibly marla too)... ivanhoe is a hoe. dahhh .. how many messages does it take to reach the landlord? anyone?

attention: ben and jay and all your funjuiced friends...can we all be happy underground. leah's cousin and his crew are so funny. i am thinking back to a recent (well not so recent) kegger ben threw at his lovely mansion... my favorite part of the wild night was when all the bizzoys started to harmonize to pure moods. might not seem like anything tooooo wild. but let me tell you. it was.

my life is somewhat making sense these days. i am glad to say it. so far my future looks like i will major with my art history and minor in italian. i was going for arabic, but sick sad world.. it is not an option. hopefully i can pick up the language enough to be a genius.

here comes the sun... nahh but it would have been interesting. this in thursday morn. each time i would awake from a quick snooze the same beatles song would come one... which one you may ask... good morning. how wak. anyways.. it was topic of discussion tonight with an old friend... how there are so many coincidences that occur.. but are they really coincidences? does everyone realize? am i crazy? you know... one time i actually thought that i was understanding hindi, but in all actuality it was english.. but it related to how the "world" is set to follow a designated path.. but there are those who choose to think outside the box.. and do the unexpected.. but are they the foolish ones? for not following the path...or are they the ones who are actually living? hmmmmm gumbo.

so far i am learning arabic, french, spanish, italian, turkish, hindi, english, and acadian. haaa .. then i woke up! megan do you remember that? ,,,,, who said it? chris litchenstein? meisler?... gas? gaaaas? spank ? squeal..

ok that brings me to a whole new topic. megan ... what ever happened to the squeal? i mean i am sure it will come out on special occasions? but has lsu met it? should we hold a rebirth ceremony for it? i think it could inspire the masses and bring peace.

i hate money. even more..i think i am going to hate myself tom. are the worlds greatest.
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