An awful dull ache pokes at KEI's eyes.
Why, Good Morning, Room. Why have I woken up to no alarm? Is it too early?
She looks at the clock.
KEI (cont.)
9:34? ... 3... 2... 1...
The Whistling Wizard default ring plays from her cell phone.
KEI (cont.)
Why Good Morning, Phone.
She turns it off with a sluggish hand after it plays twice.
KEI (cont.)
... Good Night.
Kei is dreaming. Many things happen, but this is the only part she remembers. It is a dark morning, black clouds overcasting an inky midnight blue-green sea. There is a purple octopus, or a squid. She thinks it is a SQUID WITH AN OCTOPUS' HEAD. While she stands on a platform connected to starboard side, someone behind her on port shoots a cannon at the monster(? ... so to speak) and it bounces off like a superball off concrete--but switch up the materials. (At this point in time, the screenplay writer remembers a smaller, dinkier, and cuter version of this monster from Toy Story 3.) The cannonball coincidentally bounces on the platform on which Kei is standing, and she catches it.
(To Herself)
Wow, what do I do with this?
Keeping in mind that she has never attempted shot-put as a sport, she throws it at the Squid With An Octopus' Head. It lands in the water, and fortunately the Squid With An Octopus' Head sucks it up and chokes fatally on it.
Kei wakes up. It is 11 and a bit past. No one has yelled yet, and she finds her iTouch in an easy reaching distance. Checks Twitter, email, Farm Story, lays on the bed a long while before getting up to wash. It isn't until she's brushing her teeth that she realizes that she just had a dream. And of all things, she wonders how the person port side learned how to shoot a cannon. It was poor technique.