I love it when Epik High is a guest on sukira 8) No Teuk though, since he's still out sick, but Hyuk gets a female guest co-DJ 8D Eunstal FTW ♥ 8)
And full bora is OUT this time gosh. Last time, I was so sad when no one captured bora 8( But the official photos were fun xD No fan pics though. :(
And probably, being honest, no one will sub this EXCEPT I am hoping that someone will bc f(x)'s Krystal is DJ-ing for the first time, so I'm holding out for f(x)subs to do it 8D Watching raw
here. 8)
I like it also in the beginning when it's commercial/song break and blohyuk are talking animatedly and krysthra are like looking down and hiding in their hats. lol. it's cute. And Blo reaching over when he talks about/to hyuk XD haha. And when Hyuk finally takes off that ugly jacket XD I actually wish more that he'd take off that hat. I'm okay with the hat (without the jacket), but that hat/jacket combo needs to go diaf lol XDDDD That entire ensemble actually. He just needs to be naked.
Oh wait. 8DDDDDDDDDDD hurrhurrhurr. I love strong heart.
Anyways. It's entertaining for me to watch. idk about you guys. lol They look so comfortable with each other :) Well, I still see the excitement from Hyuk though. And Blo's overall Sigh-face. idk what to call it. lol. (In my fangirl heart, I'm thinking it's from blahdy blah comments on his tweet when he said he'd be on mnet and sukira. 8| But it could be other things. Actually, I hope I just read the comments wrong.)
Official pics will be out soon I hope 8D Will probably flail over them when they come out.