Hmmm I just turned 20. I dont know whether to be happy or sad. It feels like I cant be fun and child like as much... but then... I can use the excuse of "IM INTO ANIMATION, CHILDNESS INSPIRES ME" or some crap like that. Any way, Im not going to change, Ill stay fun forevaaaa I AM PETER PAN LOLOMG WTF K
I went to the Bon Jovi; Have a nice day concert on tuesday night with Tom in Hull, as part of my present from my mum. Indeed it was extremely awesome :) Bon Jovi is teh pimp and the stage was amazing, biggest Ive ever seen and warning sirens and lighting light RoXor. I would travel across the world to see him again lol. Whats cooler is on the way to pic us up from the concert, my mum and dad spotted police escorted cars going across the humber bridge, MUST have been Bon Jovi going to Humberside airport to fly off... Or John prescott but hes fat and he doesnt matter so yea we decided it was bon jovi lol. ^_^
K also Ive been spending some minutes making stuff in photoshop... summer bordom and all that!
Heeey Jeess hows Natural World going? Lol You play wit all teh stuff? XD