i hate prom movies

Jun 02, 2004 22:04

Just spent 3 hours watching prom movies. Had to do this stupid "print screen" thing for each scene I wanted from the movies, for the newspaper thing we are doing on Prom. I noticed that the same people are in all the prom movies. Gabrielle Union is in "10 Things" and "She's All That", the mean girl from "She's All That", Taylor, is also in "Whatever it Takes" and James Franco is the "friend" in "Whatever It Takes" and "Never Been Kissed." If this "print screen" deal doesn't work when I put it on my page tomorrow I'm seriously going to punch the person closest to me. So beware!

And I still haven't watched "Back to the Future" or "There' Something About Mary" or "Prom Night" or "Carrie". POOOOOOOOOOOOO to PROMMMMMMMM MOVIEESSSSSSSSS.

I was going to say something else but I don't remember. Hmph.
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