May 10, 2004 17:16
I was sitting here realizing I don't have any homework. Then i look up at the wall and there hangs a paper full of homework for me to do. It's my Journalism conference homework, which i could put off until the summer, but oh wait, I'm going to the DR and then straight to China and then my camp begins. It's not even too bad, I just have to read like 100 articles from 20 different newspapers and watch like 50 news programs on t.v. I decided to start with Sports Articles--this writer, Ralph Wiley, is my new hero. I've completely stocked with priceless NBA playoff info now.
Here's my synop for the Playoffs:
The Lakers are gonna lose if they don't start shaping Kobe up. Kobe's amazingly offensively, but he NEEDS to play defense, because he can, and he doesn't: all Kobe looks for is making the basket and running the play, and if he keeps being selfish the team is gonna lose. Kobe needs to d-up on Tony Parker, b/c Parker is the only one too fast for any other member of the Lakers to guard. Although i hate to admit it, b/c they are my fave team, it doesn't look like the Lakers are gonna win unless Kobe pulls a magical turnaround and starts pulling his share, and starts working with the team.
Kevin Garnett needs to be MORE selfish. I know he can be aggressive, but it seems like he's just standing there passing the ball to his teammates. Yeah, he understands what's good for the team, but he's TOO caring. He needs to stop passing the ball and drive it himself. He needs to drive fear into the Kings. The Kings have no match for him--Chris Webber cracks under pressure, Vlade's too lumbering, Miller--no. And the thing is, I want the Kings to win too, but Garnett's passing up potential to be great, really great.
Wooooooooooooooooooohh, got that off my mind. I had to share it.
In other non-basketball news, I found out something muy interesante about dahling Paloma today. Which makes me laugh and wince when I think about it.