(no subject)

Jul 04, 2005 19:42


Hi everyone,

O my goodness my goat is so helpless he is mostlikely going to die and we dont even know what is the matter with him..

We were going to take him to the vet but none of them are open!

And I rlly miss Jason and I dont know how long he will be upnorth for.!


But me and Court just got done swimming it was rlly fun.

She is in the shower so I am going to be on till she gets out..

Then im going to find some food to eat

My mom is at some dudes consert with my dad and Courts parents..

I hope they are having fun =)

CANT WAIT UNTILL WENSAY!! (( going to michigan edventures))

Well bye

Jason I love you so much I dont know what I would do if we broke up!

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