
Jan 08, 2007 10:15

Saturday I held my AZ D&D game. We have 8 players so since my players decided to fight the first big combat intelligently there was a long grind combat which took awhile to run. Players and DM all had a good time so that is what matters. Druthiel and I are really happy with the group that we stumbled.

Work is slow today, I have a few things to do but not to much.

Due to the holidays I have not been training martial arts so am looking forward to starting this week. I am about to start a very intense workout cycle with my kettlebells so that should be a lot of fun. The cycle will have me doing as many reps as possible between two antagonistic muscle groups in a 25 minute period. I will be doing two upper body focused workouts and two lower body focused each week. Each workout I want to increase the reps done in the 25 minute period. I have not done this workout before but it is suppose to give great results. The intensity is so high with it however that all the recommendations say not to do the cycle for more then 4-6 weeks.

I watched my Giants loss their playoff game yesterday so that was disappointing but oh well. This will free me up for bartending detail at a certain Superbowl party that I am looking foward to.

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