Slow day

Dec 20, 2006 09:35

I have completed two projects at work and have a bunch of things coming up at work. However, the meetings that were suppose to be held today have been canceled so a very slow day at work. Because of how busy the wife has been and the holiday season my martial arts training has been very slow. Other then that things are going well. Christmas shopping is mostly done. House has been decorated. DrruthieL is singing in the choir at our new church, unfortunately it is not the same as our old so it is more of an obligation then a de-stressing hobby.

The new AZ D&D group is going well. So far I have run three games. I have up to eight players in the game so am at the maximum that I would want to have in a game, since I think the ideal game has six players. It is nice to have a regular gaming group again. Hopefully, I will be able to start playing in a local game as well as running one.

As far as my other hobbies I have not painted in ages. Within my D&D group I have one other that plays Warmachine and Hoards and one other that plays 40K with some others that are showing interest. There are also several people that play at the local gaming stores. I need to get in some games to increase my motivation to paint.

The WoW PvP grind is going real slow I have collected plenty of Arathi Basin and ALterac Valley tokens but no where near enough honor points to buy the gear I want. Guess that is why they call it the grind.

I am looking forward to being able to kick up my kettlebell training when my second 32 kg and my first 40 kg (bulldog) arrive under the tree. I doubt it will be as easy to go from a 32 kg to a 40 kg as is was going from the 24kg to the 32 kg but if it was easy what would be the point. All the double work with the 32's should be real fun compared to that with the 24's. I read about this great exercise which combines a pull-up with a dip. The problem is you need to do it with rings so I have been looking in my garage to see if there would be a good place to hang some. Then if I get a heavy bag my workouts will begin to go real old school circa 1890-1910. I have also been thinking about starting sand bag training. Just in time for the new Rocky movie lol.
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