stole this from the LJ of the dude who writes
Questionable Content I am going to list some of my goals I have in life. Please join in with your own:
• figure out ways to draw people to read
Heroes Are Made
• make money from
Heroes Are Made or some other webcomic venture, not necessarily a lot, just some extra funds, though living off it would pretty much rock my world
• become a cyborg
• do the college thing, and get at least 3 BAs (Com Sci. English creative writing emphasis, and something else yet to be determined, probably something math/music/art oriented)
•Learn to speak German and Esperanto
• Teach myself to play the Keys again, as well as bass.
• hang out in atlantis
• Get a Synth/midi controller, drum machine, and a high end computer (as well as an input interface) to make crazy music
• Save the world, on accident, only to subsequently, and accidentally, return it to the clutches of some new danger
• Learn to sing better
• travel to australia
• fly without the use of a plane
• trick someone else into cannibalism
• be my own boss in some way (perhaps opening up a brick and mortar type shop)