
Omg, It's February in 2 and a half hours!!

Jan 31, 2006 21:35

They never got back...Wahahaha

I'm going raindance! *nig chomps* I can't wait!! Me and moon and Jamesy and 'Igginz!! I'm gona buy FLUFFIES!!!!

Not much has been happening innit. I've been talking to this Italian guy who asked me out and I said no (Coz I'm a gimp) Oooh and last night AHHAA Debenhams had their Xmas party, and invited me (Coz I'm so0o0 bloddy ace) It was in a gay club 'Colors', note the non-English spelling, fucking faggots. Yeah, but it was just for us, and I got loads of drinks free coz everyone loves me. Bunny was there with new people from work and he called me over, and as I walked over I saw him say 'I love this girl,, she's brilliant' and I pretended I hadn't heard him, carried on to call his mates all cunts and he laughed and said 'That's why I lo..like her' Or did I just imagine it. I dooooont think so. We sat and talked for ages. I miss him so much, but I was good and didn't back down, although we flirted SO much. Bexy was there, so she kept me in check. I was in 6 inch heels and danced for HOURS. Then we went on to...OMG JUMPING JAKS, but it was ok, coz it wasn't an 80's fucking shitcunt night. Got in about half 2, went to bed about half 3, Emily woke me up banging on the door with Jen at 7 *snore*

Hahah I'm listenin to my mates on Vybe FM and they wen't 'Biggest shout to wo0, hold tight everytime' *Giggles like a 15 year old*

I'm bored of writing this now. BI
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