Dec 05, 2005 01:02
Me and Emily had a lay in this morning. Well, when I say morning, I mean afternoon. We got up about half 1, I checked my mail, and then we walked, YES WALKED, 3 miles to my mum's house. It was so nice and fresh. We talked about what she'd like to do for christmas. That she should appreciate everything she gets and we did some spellings.
I got home about half past 6 and watched the rest of Lost. Emily went to sleep nicely tonight.
SS, wow, she added me onto my new msn, her keyboard is broken and she can't type, only use the handwriting tool. So she wrote, I sat there crying. God I'm so sad. She told me how D had gone to see her today. He surprised her at work. She told me how stunning he was, how they were both shy and they both went red. She told me that he's coming to stay with her next weekend. She told me how much they're in love and that she's going to have his children. I replied with the usual 'OMG I'm so happy for you, it's about time you got someone decent, blah fucking blah, she's quality seriously. But not as quality as me. I guess he didn't tell her about me, about how I feel, pah. She said 'Do you like D?' and I replied with 'He's fucking wicked' And she was all happy that I liked her now BOYFRIEND. Argh, why am I bothered. Now it's fucking 1am and I'm going to be late again tomorrow. At times like this, I really fucking hate myself. No, I hate everything, fuck you all, haha na, love you all, you keep me going innit.
Moon phoned me while this was happening, oh I love her so much. She said some really nice things and I got all emotional and hid it because she was so happy. I love her being happy. I wanted to tell her what had happened, but that would have given her agro when it's not needed, needed less than the police walking past while she's on the phone talking about her night haha.
So anyway, Sunday's. They always start off so well, then they get worse
and worse
and worse.
Remind me to stay in bed next week plzkthx.