Aug 15, 2006 03:30
I feel
I'm about to just chalk this summer up to being all around horrible. I don't have any hope of salvaging what's left of it either. Like, litterally, none. And that's not all I don't have any hope left for- I don't have any left for people.
I think the hardest thing has been realizing that friendships are in fact, over. But nothing makes it clearer than the fact that I no longer feel any hope whatsoever. I don't think people will do the right thing. They didn't in the first place. I know I've been treated like crap and I don't even feel anger; the only thing I feel is betrayal. I don't even think I've been directly betrayed in any of the situations but it doesn't change the fact that I've been stabbed by people I cared about in ways that I myself cannot seem to undo. I still can't comprehend how people I cared that much about can not even realize how much they've hurt me... And even worse, how they don't even seem to care. I guess there are times when an apology would really mean something to me. Unfortunately, those are the times I'll never hear a single one.
I feel like once I get ahold of something I really care about, it just crumbles in my very hands. There's nothing I can do but watch in dismay.
I think it's just time to give into solitude for a while. I can only make so much effort so I guess things will be quiet except for with those who actually do reach out to me.
I thought I had everything figured out because I thought that maybe I could overcome these feelings. I probably will in time but I feel like I'm... waiting for time. Oxymoron perhaps? I know this has been weighing down on me so much more than I'd really like to admit to anyone but these past few days I think I've actually lost the ability to distract myself. I just, don't know...
Maybe giving up is the first step towards silence. Then maybe eventually, silece will lead to peace and tranquility...
Maybe not.