Soundtrack Meme

Oct 02, 2007 13:21

I know this meme's over and gone, but I decided to give it a shot anyway. Found on
beejang's journal.

The soundtrack of my life (Find a playlist and hit shuffle!)

Opening Credits: Tresspasser (DoC), Masashi Hamauza
Nice grand sound for an opening, but is it saying I don't belong here o_o?

Waking Up: Aerith's Death Scene Orchestrated, Nobou Uematsu
Rotten way to start the day, thought I suppose something like this would really "wake you up" to the reality of the world.

First Day at School: Calm Before the Storm (DoC), Masashi Hamauza
Very nostalgic, this song. Reminds me of cool autumn days. But I'm wondering, if this is the calm, maybe I don't want to see what's ahead...

Falling in Love: FFVII Main Theme, Nobou Uematsu
This isn't romantic, really. But, if love is a journey, then this is the right music to set you off on your way.

Fight Song: Final Fantasy Fanfare, Nobou Uematsu
Looks like I won the fight! Yay!

Breaking Up: Fight Tune: Messanger of the Dark (DoC), Masashi Hamauza
Maybe I broke up with them because I discovered how evil they were...(my DoC songs are really adding a dark tone to my life XD)

Prom: Last Order Mix, Takeharu Ishimotu
This is awesome dancing music :D A very lively prom.

Life: FF7 AC - Jenova [remix], unknown
Wow, guess I have quite the exciting life 0-0

Mental Breakdown: Final Fantasy VII Prelude, Brineshrimp
Guess my mind's out in outer space. At least I get happy breakdowns.

Driving Far Away: Jenova Absolute, Nobou Uematsu
This sounds like a chase scene to me. I wonder if I'm "driving far" to catch someone, or if I'm trying to escape.

Flashback: Aerith's Theme Orchestra version, Nobou Uematsu
I had a song almost exactly like this awhile ago...

Wedding: Fight Tune: Arms of Shinra (DoC) Masashi Hamauzu
Well, obviously, if I'm getting married to the person I broke up with because they're evil, there's going to be some conflict. Either that, or I'm marrying someone I do like, but the wedding gets interrupted, Fantastic Four style.

Birth of Child: Aerith's Theme, The World Festival Symphony
I think this song is haunting me...but now the curse passes to me child?! Please, spare them! (How many versions of this song do I have?!)

Final Battle: A Secret, Sleeping in the Deep Sea, Nobou Uematsu
This really doesn't feel like battle music, though it might be ok for "pre-battle music".

Death Scene: Final Fantasy 7 - Prelude [the Crystal Theme], Nobou Uematsu
It's the same song as when I was crazy! Maybe I was seeing the future then!

Funeral Song: Electric De Chocobo, Nobou Uematsu
Does this seem, a bit inappropriate...? Sort of a 'Mony Python' funeral. Hey, maybe it'll cheer up the mourners.

Hey, maybe it's the chocobo that died. That's what happens when you touch exposed electric wires...

End Credit: One-Winged Angel (orchestrated), Nobou Uematsu
Finally, a song I agree with! It wouldn't be right to leave without hearing this. *da da, Da da da, da da DAAAA...*
The grand finale! *Aaaaah....aaaaah....aaaaaah......aaaaaaAAAHHHHHH!*

....My life is so weird XD

All songs were in my Imeem playlist, which can be seen below:
The day after I made the list, I had "Redemption" stuck in my head all day. Pretty impressive, considering I don't know the words ;D

music, meme

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