Unity, The rest of the Story

Aug 12, 2007 19:38

The concert was some distance from our house. It was actually closer to where my dad works, so to save gas we went to work with him. At 6 in the morning. I don't think I ever really woke up till mid-afternoon. I spent much of the time registering for classes online, since that day was the last day I could do it.

We left for the concert around 4. It rained a bit off and on during the early parts, but eventually cleared up. There were four different bands. One of them I forget....

One group was called Tammy Trent. The lead singer's name was Tammy, but she includes 'Trent' in the name because that was the name of her husband who died several years ago. They were on vacation in Jamaica, he went swimming, and didn't come back up. To make things worse, the next day was the World Trade Center attack. Tammy talked about how lost and confused she felt, and asked God to send her an angel to comfort her. That angel came in the form of a Jamaican hotel maid, who came in and held her while she cried.

The next group was 'Burlap to Cashmere'. Odd name, but they're an odd group. Their songs are very lively, and have a hispanic feel to them. The words didn't always make much sense, but my dad liked them, which is saying a lot. One of thier songs had a part that went, "You have one wing, I have another; like one angel we'll fly". I had the phrase 'katayoku no tenshi' stuck in my head the entire time. X )

Then Newsboys...they brought out the big guns. So many lights flashing, I wondered whether they should have a warning for epileptic seizures in the program. They mostly did newer songs, but they started out with Shine, one of their classics. They even had a drum off between the current and former drummers. It got really intense when the stage the former drummer (who has a shaved head, mascara, and looks a bit like the antagonsit Shinzon from Star Trek Nemesis) lifted up and started rotating, and when the other drummer's platform in the back started rotating sideways, like a ferris wheel. He and the drums must have been strapped on, otherwise they would have fallen right off!

To call it a memorable evening doesn't do it justice, but I'm too lazy to think of a better adjective right now. ; D

music, unity

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