The results of last week's fight...
CoN Crew: 5 - 2, KOS-MOS
Facebookies: 4 - 3, Megatron
Ready AIM Fire: 7 - 4, Megatron
IRL: 9 - 7, KOS-MOS
Googlefight>: +1, KOS-MOS
TOTAL: 22 - 20
From the tally count, and the stirring debate had, this was definitely one of the closest of the year. But in the end, it was... KOS-MOS.
Onto this week's fight. And I hope we have some old school horror fans in the house. We take some of the heavyweights of horror and send mano a mano until they gored the last one into oblivion. Who you got?
In the RED Corner... scourge of suburbia...
Jason Voorhees
Where you've seen him: the excellent Friday the 13th series of yore.
Patrolling the streets of the perfect suburban community with a mask and a machete. This guy was not to be messed with. He's a hulking menace, quiet as a mouse when sneaking up on his unsuspecting victim, and sending them to an early grave. The dude is an icon of massive proportions, and his killings are as legendary as he is.
In the BLUE Corner... Mr. Stabby himself, just don't call him Austin...
Micheal Myers
Where you've seen him: stabbing everything dead on the acclaimed Halloween series.
The perfect prototype of horror. Tall, hulking, aggressively agile, masked, and wielding a brutal and lethal butcher knife. He follows a very similar line to Jason, masking his undead existence and stabbing everyone up with a pointy blade. But unlike Jason, he gets to the point quick. No playing around with his victims. The knife is in their chest just as soon as he finds them.
In the GREEN Corner... the number one reason to never go to sleep again...
Freddy Krueger
Where you've seen him: creeping on everyone in the Nightmare on Elm Street series.
If it comes to innovation, how can you top Freddy? While everyone else walks around with a sharp object and stabbing everyone up, Krueger finds the one place that no one is safe: their own dreams. With a pair of kaisers, Krueger shreds his sleeping victims inside out. If that's not badass, I don't know what is.
In the ORANGE Corner.. the twelfth reason to never visit Texas (don't ask about the other eleven)
Where you've seen him before: having a bloody good time on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Leatherface has everything going for him as a horror icon. He's big, aggressive, and he wrecks everyone with the most destructive weapon of them all: a spinning, wheeling rotor of death known as a chainsaw. Face has something else that no one else can claim though. While everyone else is horrifying in their own way, Leatherface and his antics were supposedly based on actual events: way more than the others can claim.
How this fight came to be: Each one awoke from a dizzying faint to find they had each been kidnapped by Jigsaw. He "quarantined" them in an abandoned condemned building in downtown Los Angeles and said something very ... very ... familiar... "I'd like to play a game..."
Battle Tactics: Each one is aggressive, agile, hulking, and has instruments of severe pain. The question is, which one is the most aggressive OR which one will actually concoct a plan before hacking away.
Setting: The Quarantine building... watch out for the rabies...