- Did the lead photo for
this story have to be of a Methodist church? Really, Devon Park? Really? We had vigorous debate last night about what role a cross&flame should play in our signage; this picture came up.
- I'm getting cold feet about flying the one really affordable option to Texas; has anyone ever flown Spirit and not wanted to jump out of the plane mid-flight? The on-line reviews were horrid; but most seemed to be based on expecting a better experience than you'd get out of a mid-range bus line. To save $400, I'll put up with a lot; our flights to and from would be direct, and only ~4 hours, and I think we can fit swim suits, smaller apple products, and enough t-shirts and underwear for four-five days into one carry-on (still have to pay for it) and the one personal item each of us would be allowed. OTOH, those reviews...